Auto Services Kansas City
I-70 Auto Service provides fair, honest, and comprehensive auto services to families throughout Kansas City. We are also less than 20 minutes away from several areas close to central Kansas City, including Rockhill, 39th Street, and Power Light. In fact, most families drive past 20 other auto repair shops just to get to ours. Why? Our heart is in our work, and this love translates into trustworthy and reliable auto services.
We encourage you to bring your vehicle to I-70 Auto Service for the following reasons:
- Our auto mechanics are thorough, comprehensive, and trained.
- We offer our clients a 36 month/36,000 mile warranty.
- For over 40 years and three generations, we provide exceptional auto services to Kansas City families.
- Our team goes the extra mile for our clients, by offering a pickup and delivery service, loaner vehicle, and shuttle service that is free of charge, upon request.
- Our waiting room is tidy, comfortable, and stocked with specialty teas and coffees.
- We care deeply about our clients. We know many of our clients by their first name.
- We truly care about the safety of our customers. For example, our certified car seat installer can safely switch your child's car seat from one car to another so you won't have to do it yourself.
If you live or work in Rockhill, Powerlight, or on 39th Street, we invite you to try I-70 Auto Service for all your auto service needs. We want your experience to our facility to be as stress-free as possible.
I-70 Auto Service, located in the heart of Kansas City, is your best bet for auto services. Our auto services shop is just minutes away from the communities of Rockhill, Powerlight, and 39th Street. If your vehicle needs attention, we invite you to I-70 Auto Service. When requested, we will pick up and drop off your vehicle, plus offer you with a loaner vehicle or use of our shuttle. Call us if you have specific questions, or to schedule an appointment today. We look forward to taking care of you and your vehicles.