Kansas City Water pump Service
Is the water pump in your car needing service or repair? If your answer is yes, we invite you to bring your vehicle to I-70 Auto Service. We have been located in the heart of Kansas City for over 25 years, serving many generations of car owners. Providing excellent customer satisfaction and car repair have been our top priorities since 1976. Our auto mechanics will go the extra mile when it comes to servicing your vehicle's water pump.
What separates us from the other auto repair shops in Kansas City? What makes us different is how far we will go for our customers. We offer free pickup and delivery, upon request, and we have driven 20 miles to pick up a client's car. You could be sitting and relaxing at your home or office, and one of our auto mechanics could pick up your vehicle, service your water pump, and drop the car off in your driveway at the end of the day.
Our goal is to take the stress and hassle out of having your vehicle's water pump repaired. Do you need a loaner car? No problem. We will pick up your vehicle, leave a loaner car at your home, and then bring your vehicle back to you at the end of the day. We also do not charge extra for loaners. We hope this shows our drive and dedication to our clients.
The last thing we would want is for you to struggle with a broken down car due to a broken water pump. Routine service and repair of your water pump will prevent this from occurring. I-70 Auto Service is located in Kansas City. Our auto mechanics will inspect your car's water pump and perform any necessary repair. Call us if you have specific questions, or contact us to schedule an appointment today. We look forward to taking care of you and your vehicles.