
Problems with Family Vehicles

At I-70 Auto Service, we do our best to ensure your vehicle is reliable, dependable, and practically invincible. However, without proper preventative maintenance, we see vehicles being brought into our shop, afflicted with the same problems. Here are the issues we commonly see on family cars that are driven locally:  Worn Brake Pads: Brakes wear down naturally over time, which is why preventative maintenance is a must, especially before you are faced with an expensive or dangerous problem.  Alignment: If your tires are wearing unevenly, or you feel a vibration in your steering wheel, you may need an alignment.  Radiator Leaks: Corrosion is usually the culprit if your coolant is leaking. A leaky radiator can lead to your vehicle overheating or even a fire within your engine.  Malfunctioning Sensors: Modern cars are equipped with an array of high-tech sensors, and even though they have tons of benefits, they also have their downfalls, like when they malfunction.&n ... read more

Getting Your Car Ready for a Road Trip

Getting Your Car Ready for a Road Trip

When school is out for the summer, we are all going to be heading out on those summer vacations to bask in the sun and take a breather from rushing to soccer games, making it school before the first bell, and racing to the grocery store before it closes.  If you are planning a roadtrip, we want you to completely enjoy your trip. We don’t want you to have worry about any unexpected breakdowns, which is why we have put together a summer road trip checklist. Make sure you have each of these items ready to go:   First-aid kit.  Jumper cables.  Tunes, podcasts, and DVDs!  Road trip games for your little ones.  Non Perishable snacks and drinks with a lid.  Extra-plastic bags and a roll of paper towels.  Smartphone with GPS.  Spare clothes.  Mobile phone charger.  Audio books.  Portable WiFi device or cellular data plan.  Bring your car into I-70 Auto Service before you head out on your road trip. Our tech ... read more

Brake Health: Warning Signs You Won’t Want To Miss

Brake Health: Warning Signs You Won’t Want To Miss

When it comes to the safety of you, your family, and your vehicle, your brakes are something you don’t want to mess with. Your brake system is practically synonymous with safety, so if you are experiencing any of these warning signs, contact the team of technicians at I-70 Auto Service in Kansas City right away.  If you can answer yes any of these questions, your brake’s health may be in jeopardy:  Has your brake light been flashing on your dashboard?  Do you hear squealing, squeaking, or grinding noises originating from your brakes?  When you brake, do you feel wobbling, vibrating, or scraping?  Are your brakes leaking any fluid?  When you step on the brakes, does the pedal feel spongy or soft?  Is your vehicle pulling to one side when braking?  Are you smelling something burning?  Does your vehicle bounce up and down when you stop short?  You don’t need to answer yes to all of these questions for it to mean ... read more

Fluid Checks Your Car Needs Now

Fluid Checks Your Car Needs Now

The term “spring cleaning” doesn’t just apply to our homes, but it also can be applied to our cars. Winter has taken a toll on our vehicles, so with spring just around the corner; it is the perfect time to spring clean your car, starting with the fluids.  If you are unsure about the last time a technician examined your vehicle’s fluids, we encourage you contacting us today to set up an appointment, regardless of the season. Our technicians are here to help ensure you start spring off right. Here are six fluids ready for a little spring cleaning: Hands down, oil is your most vital fluid. There are various components in your engine that are spinning constantly and quickly, and your engine oil keeps everything running smoothly.  Coolant, as the name indicates, keeps your engine cool. Maintaining your coolant levels keep your vehicle from overheating.  Before power steering, when you turned your steering wheel, it would feel incredibly heavy. Howev ... read more

Love Song For A Jalopy: In Praise Of Holding Onto An Old Car

Love Song For A Jalopy: In Praise Of Holding Onto An Old Car

  For many of us, our cars have a special place in our heart, as we can’t seem to get rid of them, no matter how they get or how many miles they may have. And at I-70 Auto Service, because of our abilities to keep cars running in tip-top shape for as long as you desire, we have decided to celebrate our love for jalopys, or a car that that is way past their prime, with a few song suggestions. Here are 10 love songs for the Jalopy in your life: “Cars” by Gary Numan“Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car” by Billy Ocean ... read more


Road Trip Ideas