Yearly Archives: 2019

Fluid Checks Your Car Needs Now

Fluid Checks Your Car Needs Now

The term “spring cleaning” doesn’t just apply to our homes, but it also can be applied to our cars. Winter has taken a toll on our vehicles, so with spring just around the corner; it is the perfect time to spring clean your car, starting with the fluids.  If you are unsure about the last time a technician examined your vehicle’s fluids, we encourage you contacting us today to set up an appointment, regardless of the season. Our technicians are here to help ensure you start spring off right. Here are six fluids ready for a little spring cleaning: Hands down, oil is your most vital fluid. There are various components in your engine that are spinning constantly and quickly, and your engine oil keeps everything running smoothly.  Coolant, as the name indicates, keeps your engine cool. Maintaining your coolant levels keep your vehicle from overheating.  Before power steering, when you turned your steering wheel, it would feel incredibly heavy. Howev ... read more

Love Song For A Jalopy: In Praise Of Holding Onto An Old Car

Love Song For A Jalopy: In Praise Of Holding Onto An Old Car

  For many of us, our cars have a special place in our heart, as we can’t seem to get rid of them, no matter how they get or how many miles they may have. And at I-70 Auto Service, because of our abilities to keep cars running in tip-top shape for as long as you desire, we have decided to celebrate our love for jalopys, or a car that that is way past their prime, with a few song suggestions. Here are 10 love songs for the Jalopy in your life: “Cars” by Gary Numan“Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car” by Billy Ocean ... read more


Road Trip Ideas

Up And At ‘Em: Best Ways To Improve Fuel Mileage

Up And At ‘Em: Best Ways To Improve Fuel Mileage

Happy New Year to our I-70 family! We hope that you are keeping yourselves safe and warm and that you had a lovely holiday season! This month, all of us are trying to cut back on expenses, so what better time to address fuel efficiency?! Did you know that there are lots of things that you, the driver, can do to improve fuel efficiency in your vehicle? Read on to find out… Be sure to close your gas cap tightly! It seems like a simple thing but trust us; it makes a big difference. Why? It keeps your gas in your tank, and it prevents it from evaporating! Make sure you look after your tires. When your tires are not correctly inflated, it drags the whole car down, which positively can affect fuel economy.  Lessen the lead-foot! We know, we’re in a hurry. But if you can ease up on the gas pedal, you can get better miles to the gallon! Don’t overload your vehicle. Keep inside of it only what you need. Excessive weight loads also drag down your fuel effi ... read more