Three words: four, wheel, drive. Land Rover may not have invented it (side fact, that was Porsche!) but they certainly have mastered it. These cars are built from the inside out purely for off-road, outdoor adventure. You have to find somewhere that the mechanics are passionate about cars, where they truly appreciate the work put into manufacturing and taking care of these vehicles. I-70 Auto Service is the place for you, you great off-road wanderer. Unfortunately, with adventure, comes some damages. Mud, sand, and dirt, can get everywhere in these cars and kick-start some major problems with your vehicle. Other issues that drivers come into contact with pretty often are problems with coolant, along with malfunctioning windshield wipers and delayed window retractors. These are annoying issues that need attention right away, but in the grand scheme of things, they're not very serious problems. With diligent attention to your Rover and regular maintenance check appointments at I ... read more