As car owners, we are often aware of our car’s needs during the transition to Winter weather. However, drivers don’t often consider all the variables when it comes to their car’s performance in the Spring. Take some hints from the automotive maintenance experts over at I-70 Auto Service, because we’ve got some advice to help you rolling safely in the sunshine!
- Check your tires! Are they in good shape? Proper alignment? Now is the time to switch out your winter tires for their summer counterparts,
- Inspect places that may have taken a beating through the winter months. Your suspension may have damage from potholes or you might have chips, scratches, and cracks on your windshield. Running your car through the wash or washing it yourself could help you identify small dents and scratches that come from the normal wear and tear on a car.
- Refill. Refill your motor oil, wiper fluid, gas tank, coolant, check it all. Some may be hesitant to trudge out in the cold wind and perform these regular maintenance tasks, but now that the sun is shining, it’s important to address them now.
And finally- get a check up. Doctor’s orders! If your car is making any funny sounds, your acceleration hesitates or your brakes screech, bring in your car for a service check before you take your next road trip!
At I-70 Auto Service, we’d rather know you’re driving safe than adventuring without a reliably operating car. Come on in and we’ll get you fixed up. For best service, schedule an appointment. See you soon!